13 févr. 2014

Choux d' enfer Windows

Mes vitrinesNYC is an exclusive blog about windows.
I only  write about displays that catch me. And, this one is a peculiar display I want  to talk about...
Choux d'enfer: do you know this window????
It's the best window I have seen on the Paris streets close to the Eiffel Tower...a gourmet window with perfectly displayed choux. If you live in Paris, just go, enjoy the show and, for sure, taste all of them. If you are about coming to Paris, remember this place and stop by to discover the real taste of France: choux au caramel beurre salé, choux à la vanille and choux au chocolat. 

In addition, the design of the sweet truck is very modern, made by the Parisian designer Patrick Jouin.

And, I don't even talk about the Chefs, Christophe Michalak and Alain Ducasse...Imagine!

Choux d'enfer - Quai Branly/Rue Jean rey - Paris - February 2014

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