Bisous géants en vitrophanie pour les soldes Tara Jarmon...en rose!
Giant kisses on the glasses at Tara Jarmon for the Summer Sales... in a pink version!
Croquis de culottes et tee-shirts, pourcentages en vitrophanies et bateau en papier pour Petit Bateau... en rose!
Panties and tee-shirts drawings, discounts on the glasses and paper boat at Petit a pink version, too!
Giant tags with ribbons at Cyrillus, in a fuchsia version!
Giant colorful Summer mosaic at Franck & Fils for the clearance sale.
And, at Stella Forest, they hung letters and flowers to create a sober and elegant sale display.
RDV, lundi pour les autres vitrines SOLDES qui ont retenu mon attention...
To be continued on Monday....
4 commentaires:
Elisa, Argentine
OH Merci, merci!!!
This is such fun!
As good as looking in any patisserie vitrine! Bateaux has exactly the same solde vitrine in New York on Madison avenue...I saw it last night :)
On a juste envie de faire Les soldes chez Tara Jarmon et puis repasser chez Sephora pour faire Le plein DES rouges à lèvres!
Does Sephora have soldes???
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